Nothing Found

One of the best ways to use your message to convert a fan into a hot lead AND then into a paying client (READ: persuade them to buy your stuff!!)…

Is for you to clearly demonstrate to them EXACTLY how their life is going to change after they’ve actually worked with you. After they’ve experienced your unique level of badassery.

How their life is going to change after they engage you:

After they hire you.
After they’ve bought your product.
After they’ve done your online group program.
After they’ve been a high-level private 1:1 client.
After they’ve solved their problem (you know, the one that you’re telling them that your solution WILL solve).


Not with actual brushstrokes and colour, but viscerally, using the power of your message.

Show them the contrast between where they’re at right now…

Stuck in their own fears, limited thinking, lack of leads, sales, not knowing how to message to attract their ideal clients, working with people they hate, not having the emotional, time and money freedom to be, do and have all of those things they secretly desire and would love to have in their lives

And where they truly want to be…

Free from their fears (fear is now their biatch!), an abundant and expansive thinker, highly qualified leads jamming up their inbox, waking up to new sales every single day, sharing their message with passion and purpose, working only with their ideal soul-level clients, and having emotional, time and financial freedom to be, do and have whatever they want, whenever they want it.

Get them to IMAGINE how different their lives would look and feel if they were living the reality they want, that they secretly crave, but are afraid to ask for, afraid to claim as their own…

‘Imagine you wake up slowly, leisurely, no alarms except your body clock gently bringing you into a new day. You practice your morning routine, doing those things that set your soul on fire, before anything else. No pressures, no demands… checking your emails and social media only after you have done your morning non-negotiables… Sipping your favourite brew, made exactly how you like it… Feeling the excitement, jubilation and internal power as you see 10, 20, 30 (or more) payment notifications downloading into your inbox, loving the feeling of sales being made while you were sleeping… That feeling that comes when you have made thousands of dollars on autopilot, without having to lift a finger…’

Nothing creates DESIRE like a brighter future.
Like the future of their DREAMS.
The future they want to be their new REALITY.

You CREATE A MENTAL MOVIE that your ideal clients can see with crystal clarity in her head as she reads your words…


She’s living your words…
She’s living her desires…
She’s living her future reality…



This is where most online entrepreneurs fail.

They cannot paint the picture.
They cannot create the mental movie.
They cannot demonstrate the contrast.
They cannot open people up to a new way of thinking.

They simply don’t know how.

And that is precisely why most people, even those who are so very good at what they do, stay small and stay broke.


Not for you gorgeous!

How free and liberated you would feel having that kind of power at your fingertips?

Having the ability to use words to convert your ideal soul-level prospects into paying clients…?

Won’t it be magical?

You will have created the business and life of your dreams.
You will be picking and choosing who you will work with. And when.

Living and traveling anywhere you want to, whenever you want to.
Spending your time doing what you want to do, with who you want to do it with.
While making big-assed bank doing exactly what you love, what sets your soul on fire.

On your terms.
By your rules.

Imagine the wealth.
Imagine the abundance.
Imagine the freedom.
Imagine the experiences.
Imagine the choices.

With a few simple messaging and mindset hacks under your belt YOU can totally create that desire of the future reality in the minds of your ideal soul-level clients.

You can absolutely create the business and the life that you desire.

You can absolutely bring every single thing you have ever wanted into your reality.

It can all be yours.
And it can be yours now!

Love, Truth & Badassery,
Remember… You Have One Life. Hit The Fuckin’ Button!

Lauz xx
Mindset & Online Empire Creation Mentor

P.S. I’ve opened up 3 spots in my calendar this week to help you do just that.

If this resonates with you and you’d like to claim one of these 3 spots, send me a message saying BIG-ASSED BANK and telling me your availability over the next few days.

Talk soon gorgeous.

Lauz ❤️