Nothing Found

Attracting high-ticket clients and being a highly profitable online business is not just about the numbers.

I’m not talking about the number of clients you currently have.
I’m not talking about the price of your latest product or program.
I’m not talking about the numbers you have on social media.

You see.

I know that in business we often hear the saying ‘The numbers don’t lie!’

And sure that’s the truth of it as far as costs and profits are concerned.

But, when we’re talking about social media it’s a whole different ball game.

People get so caught up with:

How many people they have in their group.
How many people have liked their FB page, their Insta profile, etc.
How many people hit the LIKE or ❤️ button on their latest post.


Don’t get me wrong.

I know that the more engagement you get the greater the reach of your content.


I know that the more people you can get your message and your offer in front of, the higher the likelihood you will sell your products sooner.

But, selling your premium quality, high-ticket products or services isn’t determined by the amount of likes you get.

It is determined by the connections you make and the conversations you have.

Sure getting the LIKE and ❤️ on your posts is great for your ego. It makes you feel significant.

But that doesn’t necessarily convert to clients and sales does it?!

So, how do you get to a point where you are able to make more connections and where you get to have more conversations?


And the only way to do that is by getting out of your own frickin’ head.

Because right now you’re so weighed down by things like fear, resistance, stories, excuses, justifications, etc.

That you’re just doing…



But the reality of it is that NOT making new connections and NOT having the conversations that lead to you selling your stuff to your soul-level client has nothing to do with the numbers you have on social media.

It’s about you getting out of your own head and getting out of your own way.
It’s about you moving past the fear you are hiding behind.
It’s about you showing up more and more each and every day.
It’s about you getting your message out there in front of more people.
It’s about you stepping out of your comfort zone and collaborating.
It’s about you taking charge of your life and making happen what you really want to happen.

Get into Facebook groups and offer up your opinion and expertise on posts where people are reaching out for answers/solutions to their problems.

Be of service.
Give more.

Build new relationships.
Heart-to-heart relationships.
Strengthen the KLT (Know, Like, Trust) factor.
Show people your expertise.




Focus on what it is that you want to achieve.
Focus on who it is that you serve.
Focus on how it is that you can help them.

And take aligned action every. single. minute. of. the. day.

Do that, consistently – rinse and repeat – and in no time you’ll see a consistent and massive increase in your numbers…. leads and sales.

Love, Truth & Badassery,
Remember… You Have One Life. Hit The Fuckin’ Button!

Lauz xx
Mindset & Online Empire Creation Mentor

Want to know exactly what you can do right now to massively increase your numbers using social media?

Ready to ditch the fears and other mindset baggage that’s keeping you from stepping up and connecting with more of your ideal soul-level clients?

Want to do that while working privately with a mentor who has been where you are right now and can help you to move to where your really want to be?

I have spots available right now in two of my high-level private mentoring programs where I can help you to do just that.

Private message me RIGHT NOW and let’s chat.

Talk soon gorgeous xx ❤️