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So, why are doing that?

Why is it that you feel… That you believe that not enough people will like you the way you are. I mean, the way you really are?

Why is it that you believe that there’s no-one out there who’ll pay to work with you while ever you show up as yourself, but that there will be hundreds and even thousands of people willing to pay you while you’re pretending to be someone you’re not?

Shall I tell you?
Shall I explain?
Shall I shed some light on that for you?

You see.

I know.
You know.

That you already know the answers to these questions.

But, you don’t want to go there. Back to the darkness of your past. You’re afraid to.

There is torment there.
There are demons there.
There is evil there.

You don’t want to have to get your head in that space.
Because you know that when you do it’s seldom just a quick visit.

But, the thing is.


Because it’s there that the reason for you not believing in yourself lives.
Because it’s there that the reason for you not believing that you’re good enough lives.
Because it’s there that the reason for you not believing that people will accept you for who you are lives.
Because it’s there that the reason for you not believing that you are deserving lives.

And to be able to get to where you really want to be in your life.

To that place where you:

REALLY own your truth.
FULLY face your origin story.
COMPLETELY own what it that shaped you.
ACKNOWLEDGE how far you have come.

Remember when you were younger and your friends tried to change you because you weren’t the person they wanted you to be? So you did because you didn’t want them to reject you. Because you didn’t want to be alone. To have no friends.

Remember when your parents told you that you had to change who you were so that you fit perfectly with the image they were trying to create for their ‘friends’? And if you didn’t you got hit, beaten, punished in some way.

Remember when your sister would say and do the nastiest things to you so that you wouldn’t embarrass her in front of her friends? And if you failed to be the perfect sister she would be cruel, hurtful, even violent.

Remember when you’re parents expected you to dress and act a certain way because society couldn’t handle your shaved head, black mini skirts and crop tops partnered with black Dr Martins and heavy eye makeup? And when you refused to conform because you were learning to express yourself they would abuse you, take away your clothes, put them in the bin and call you for all the ‘trashy’ names they could think of.

Remember those nights when you’d go out with your boyfriend, partner, lover and a group of friends and you didn’t want to dance, because you don’t dance, and their ridicule you for it, for being yourself, for not being more like them? So you’d try to join in because you wanted to be accepted. But you felt like an uncomfortable and uncoordinated dick.

Remember those trips away to places that you didn’t want to go with friends, with your lover, with your in laws, because you wanted to keep your partner happy…? Everyone would get on the piss and start acting like complete idiots, and you felt like you didn’t fit in and that all you wanted to do was write, create, sell.

Remember those days when as an employee you were expected to do what you were told, when you were told, how you were told, how you pretended to be someone you weren’t because that’s what was expected of you in the workplace? And you did it. Even though it went against the grain of who you are and what you were put here to do. Simply because you needed the money, the experience, the job so that you could fit in with people who were less than you.


Do you remember how miserable you were?
Do you recall how absolute shit you felt?
Do you remember asking yourself why it had to be like this?
Do you recall how difficult it was to be the person everyone else wanted you to be?
Do you remember how you made the decision that you were never, ever again going to be that person?

You need to own that.
You need to accept that.

For the ISness that is.

So that you can move past that.
So that you can truly own your power.
So that you can fully embrace who you are.


Because it is only when you do that you will be able to claim the power that you have within YOU to accept yourself for the person that you are.

Because it is only when you do that you will be able to become comfortable being in the skin that you are in.

Because it is only when you do that you will be able to love yourself unconditionally and know in your heart of hearts that you are deserving of all that you desire.



I ask you…

Why the fuck are you trying to be someone you aren’t in order to please EVERYONE?
To please people that don’t matter?
People who never truly mattered at all?

You couldn’t please them all those years ago.
You’ll not be able to please them now.

So, why don’t you stop trying?

It’s time that you stopped giving away your power to people who don’t deserve it.


You know that you are more than good enough as the real, true, bold, you that you were born to be.

The you that you keep hidden for fear of ridicule or retribution.

You know that you are more than worthy of acceptance as the raw, honest, badass you that you are and that your people, those who are just like you, will love you, welcome you and receive you for the EXACT person that you are.

That they will not ask you to change or to pretend to be someone you’re not.


Feel the fear and do it anyway.

Because it is in the doing where the new level of self-love, self-belief, deserving, trust and acceptance lies.

Love, Truth & Badassery,
Remember… You Have One Life. Hit The Fuckin’ Button!

Lauz xx
Mindset & Online Empire Creation Mentor

P.S. Are you tired of being a pretender?
Have you had enough of giving away your power?
Are you ready to accept yourself unconditionally?
Do you want to show up and share your message while being 100% true to yourself so that you can serve those you were born to serve?

I’ve opened up 3 spots for free calls this week so I can help people just like you, to do that.

Message me now if you’d like to secure your spot! ❤️