Nothing Found

You hit the ground running. Racing along. Everything seems to be working out for you. The leads are coming in. The sales are happening.

And then.

They’re not.

Suddenly everything comes to a screaming halt.
And it doesn’t seem to matter what you do NOTHING seems to change.

This is a cycle for you.
It happens more consistently than anything else.

It’s a pattern for you.
And it’s been that way for most of your life.

You’re up. And life is badass.




You start going backwards, fast.

You’re slipping.
You’re spinning.
You’re stumbling.
You’re tripping.
You’re falling.
You’re off balance.

And you’re down, trying desperately to scramble to your feet.

To pick yourself up.
To dust yourself off.
So you can start again.

You do.

You find your footing again and things start to improve. To rebalance. To return to normal.

But it’s happened like this so many times now that you know the UP is only temporary.

And you’re OVER IT.

You want to know what triggers it.
You want to know why it happens to you.


You find yourself asking…

Why is it that when you’re up…
When you are moving forward with passion and purpose…
When you are aligned with your truth and your message…
When you are in sync with the bigger picture…

That it isn’t sustainable?
That it always changes?
That it doesn’t last?

What are you doing wrong?
What are you missing?
What are you not doing?

And the more you question, the faster the downward spiral.

But don’t you see?


You spend so much time stuck in your heard trying to find the answers to all the WHY’s in the world and you lose focus…

You lose sight of your main objective.
Of that thing that you’re striving for.

If only you could reprogram your brain to maintain it’s direction.
If only you could teach yourself to not listen to the voice inside.

That voice that sabotages you.
That voice that keeps you stuck.
That voice that has you playing small.

If only you knew a way to rein it in!?!


Don’t you realise?

You already know how.
You know exactly how to control it.
You know precisely what you need to do to maintain your focus.

The reason your strategy isn’t working for you right now is because you’re simply not aligned with it.

The reason things blow up massively and you feel a sudden rush of success, and then it’s gone… is because you’re simply not aligned with it.

The reason for the ebbs and flows are constantly present in your business right now…


But, the thing is…

You spend so much time listening to the loud, the booming voice of your ego mind, hanging off every single seemingly logical word that it bellows at you.

Instead of tuning in and becoming aware of the quiet little voice that is the voice of reason, the voice of intuition, the voice of your truth that is your conscious mind.


When you feel yourself slipping into that space.

Acknowledge it for what it is.
Step back.
Watch how it plays out.

Now that you are aware of it you can do the internal work you need to do to let it go…

To change it once and for all.

Stop for a moment.
Rise up from your desk.
Step away from the screen.
Leave your devices where they lay.

Walk outside.
Look up to the sky.
Listen to the sounds of nature.

Can you hear the birds?
The insects?

The little noises?
Those soft sounds?

Tune in to those for just a minute.

Focus on the sounds of silence that are ever present beneath the white noise of your reality.


Reflect for a moment to when you were a child.
When you could only hear the quiet.
No matter how loud the world around you.

Escape to that place for just a moment.
For a minute.
Or more.

Sit by a tree.
Feel it’s grounded presence.
Become aware of the power of it.
Of it’s strength.
Of it’s permanence.
Of it’s energy.

Focus only on that.

Close your eyes.

And I do mean breathe.



Don’t question anything.

Just breathe.

Focus only on that.

The inward breath.
The outward breath.

Keep going.
Don’t stop.


But keep focusing on your breathe.

Now ask yourself WHY?

The why you really want an answer to.

Remain still.

Listen for that little voice.
Hear what it is saying.
Pick up on the download.

Embrace it.

Because that is the truth.

Acknowledge it for what it is.
Become fully aware of it.
What it means.
How to move past it.
Where it started.
Own your part in its existence.

And release it.
Let it go.

Gift it to the Universe to be dealt with in the way it needs to be.

When you release it, it is no longer yours.
You are free of it.

Think on it no more.
For it is no more.

It is gone.
It is done.
It is past.

So regroup now my love.
Pick up where you left off.

Step back into your place of power.
To where your passion and your purpose live.
To where momentum resides.

For this was just a stepping stone on your path.

Pick up the reins.
And lead on again.
One step at a time.

Love, Truth & Badassery,
Remember… You Have One Life. Hit The Fuckin’ Button!

Lauz xx
Mindset & Online Empire Creation Mentor

P.S. If you would like support to work through the ups and downs in consistency, leads, clients and sales.

If you are ready to REALLY stepping up and claiming your place as the leader you were born to be…

If you’re willing to do whatever it takes to finally put an end to the 1 step forward, 2 steps back game.

But know that there are gaps in your mindset and action that need some tweaking…

Click the link below and book a free call with me today so I can show you exactly WHY those gaps exist and also show you precisely HOW you can plug them.