Nothing Found

But I do.

I get it.

You think I’m too full on. That I’m too passionate. That I’m too opinionated. That I’m too outspoken. That I”m too bold. That I’m too loud. That I swear too much.

And to be really honest…

I used to believe you.


Now I don’t give a shit.

I’ll never change anything about who I am, how I show up, how I speak, what I share, how I share that, what I believe in, what I say…

Not for anyone.
Only for myself.


Unlike those of you who tell me that I need to change…

I actually love myself.

I love myself wholly and solely.
I love myself when I look in the mirror.
I love myself more than I’ve ever done.
In ways that I’ve never done before.

I love the way I show up.
I love the passion that is within.
I love the way I express myself.
I love the way I speak and write.
I love that I’m a little controversial.
I love that I’m challenging.
I love that I’m inspirational.
I love that I get you thinking.
I love that I expand your awareness.
I love that I am unique.
I love that I am confronting.

I love the journey I have been on.
And I’m excited about where that will take me.


To understand me.
To get me.
To believe me.
To vibe with me.

Not everyone is my people. My tribe.

And I’m good with that.
I accept that for what it is.

So you see.

That you don’t like me.
That you don’t resonate with me.
That you don’t like something about me.

I’m fine with that too.


As you would know if you follow me online…

That stuff.
All of that stuff.


It’s a reflection of something within you.

Sometimes deep within.

Of a past pain.
Of a past hurt.
Of a past suffering.

If you think I’m too much… Perhaps you believe that you are not enough.

If you think that I’m too loud… Perhaps you believe that you don’t speak up when you need to.

If you think that I swear too much… Perhaps you believe that you don’t express yourself the way you really want to.

It’s ok.
I understand completely.
How this all works.

It’s a mindset thing.

But it’s also a power thing.

It’s your ego (unconscious) mind pretending to protect you.
But instead it’s harming you more than you could know.

Because it’s dictating your destiny.
Because it’s choosing your opinions.
Because it’s shaping your beliefs.
Because it’s instructing your attitude.


Externally and internally.

And internally it’s creating suffering and torment.
It’s making things look uglier than they need to be.

It’s telling you how to live your life.
It’s making all of the decisions.
It’s choosing your mood.
It’s deciding your experiences.

But what if you had all that power?
What if you had all of that control?
What if you were making the decisions?
What if you were calling the shots?

How different would things be for you?
What would you do differently?

Would you look within and try to find the answers?
So that you could ‘get it’ too…

What this is all about.

And then perhaps you would choose differently?…

So, while you’re over there judging and saying nasty things about me, just remember that I know, and that now you do too…

That’s it’s really all about you.

Lauz 💛

P.S. If this resonates with you and…

If you’re ready to move past self-loathing, judgement and your limiting thinking so you can proudly love yourself at a core level AND you’re ready to face and slay the demons within…


You’re ready to learn to love yourself hard, unconditionally and unfiltered and learn exactly how you can remain unaffected by the hateful projections of others….

Private message me to chat about exactly how you can do that.

Chat soon gorgeous badass🤘