Nothing Found

“Laura, I wanted to give you some feedback…”

“Your emails have swearing in them and it’s inappropriate and amateur…”

“Real business people don’t need to swear to attract clients…”

“You call yourself an entrepreneur and a marketer but you don’t even know how it’s done… “

“I wonder who would actually buy your stuff when you talk like that…”


I’ve heard it all.
I’ve had all the shit thrown at me.
In various ways and in various formats.

But the thing is.
I don’t listen.

Because all of this is unsolicited advice from people who are either:

Stuck working a 9-5.
Not making any money.
Not living in their power.
Not speaking their truth.
Conforming to societies standards.
Pretending to be someone they’re not.
Getting clients under false pretenses.
Denying the reality that swearing is a part of our culture.


I tried so hard to be just like them.
I tried so hard to follow all the rules.
I tried so hard to please everyone.

I kept my opinions to myself.
I kept my mouth shut.
I kept my head down.

I followed the lead of those who supposedly knew better.
Of those who apparently knew exactly how it was done.

I paid tens and tens of thousands of dollars and worked with the best coaches.

I bought and completed course after course and program after program.

I started early.
I finished late.

While you were sleeping…
While you were celebrating…
While you were with your friends…

I was immersed in learning all there was to learn about:

Digital marketing
Marketing strategies

You name it.
I did it.


It became the air that I breathed.


I was a great student.
I implemented what I learned.
I upleveled as often as I could.
I seized opportunities to grow and to expand.

And I still do.

Because I wanted to be the best there was.
The best there is.

And I wanted to know everything there was to know about killing it online.

I read sooo many blogs.
I scoured email after email.
I jumped on webinar after webinar.
I followed every expert I could find on social media.

And it’s not like I didn’t make headway.

I did.

In the last 9 years I’ve had 3 multiple 6 figure online businesses.

I made what some people would consider to be pretty good money.

Some would say that I was highly successful.

I followed the recommended pricing structures.
I combined high ticket with low ticket.
I run all the right campaigns.
I did the Facebook ads.

But the thing is…

It was fucking exhausting.
It was like I was never, ever enough.
It was as though no matter how hard I worked…

I just didn’t quite hit the mark.
I just couldn’t win everyone over.
I just couldn’t please the masses.

And behind the scenes…
Behind closed doors…

When I was the only one around…

I would sit and cry for hours on end.

I would hide in the shower and let the water wash my tears away.

I would cry myself to sleep at night because I just wanted this thing to work.

I was hurting.
Hurting so much.
Constantly in emotional turmoil and pain.

But, unlike the haters…

Unlike those who are committed to telling me how to do what I do better…

Unlike those who are determined to tell me how to be a better version myself when they have no idea what that actually fucking means or how to even to that themselves…

And in the end.

I simply didn’t trust myself.
I doubted that I had what it takes.
I didn’t believe that I’d ever make it.
I no longer believed that I was good enough.

I know people knew how I was.

But I didn’t know who I was.

In the process of trying to be everything to everyone.
In the process of trying to be all things to all people.

I lost myself.
I lost sight of my dreams.

The time came when I completely forgot why I was doing what I was doing.

When I felt like a very well un-oiled machine.

When everything felt emotionless and robotic.


I stopped showing up.
I went down to making less than $1000 a month online.

A far cry from the multiple 5 figure months I had become accustomed to.

But I did it anyway.

Because I needed to.
I had to.
My survival was at stake.
My life purpose was at risk.

But more than that.

My life, outside of my personal relationships, was NOTHING like I’d wanted.

Nothing like the dreams I had had.

I’d had enough.


There and then.

I surrendered to the ISness of what is.
I surrendered to what I’d been resisting all along.


I didn’t quit.
I didn’t abandon my passion and my purpose.

But, when that happened.
When I did that.

It was then that I decided that no more was I going to pretend to be someone I wasn’t so that I could please people who didn’t matter.

I decided that no longer was I going to not stand up for the things that I cared the most about because it wasn’t acceptable.

I decided that the time had come for me to forget about pleasing the masses…


For a change.

To put myself first.

My dreams.
My desires.
My passions.
My message.
My goals.
My art.
My purpose.

And in the process of doing that.
In the process of setting myself free.

During the rediscovery, the unearthing the ME that I’d long ago buried beneath the wishes, demands, constructs and constraints of those in authority, of my family, of my ex-husband, of my peers, of my leaders, of society as a whole…

I realised that I no longer gave a fuck what other people thought about me.

So much so that I sport (and have done so for several years now) a tattoo on my left shoulder blade that says:

“What somebody else thinks of me is none of my business.”

And it’s not like that tattoo being there was some kind of happy accident.

That’s when things really changed for me.
In my personal life.
In life in general.
In my business.

That’s when my true tribe started to flock to me.

That’s when my soul-level ideal clients reached out to work with me.

That’s when my business and my profits exploded.


You see…

I had realised that all of my life I had been treated as though I was not enough, as if I was not good enough as the person I was…

And that I had spent the best part of my 39 years (at that time) trying and bending, conforming, even breaking myself in an effort to please those who would constantly berate me for not being the person they wanted me to be.

I’d copped the verbal abuse.
I’d suffered the mental abuse.
I’d experienced what seemed to be never ending physical abuse…

By my parents
By my siblings
By my ex husband

And I was tired.

Because the truth is that it didn’t matter what I did.
Because the truth is that it didn’t matter who I tried to be.
Because the truth is that it didn’t matter how I tried to change.

I simply couldn’t please EVERYONE.



The people who got me.
Those who understand me.
Those who completely get me.
Those I was born to serve and support.

And I learned to accept myself.

My perfections.
My imperfections.

And I began to accept that not everyone will like me.
That not everyone will love me.
That I cannot make everyone happy.

And I’m good with that.
I accept that with an open mind, an open heart.

Because you see…

Where as before my love for myself was conditional.
That’s not the case any longer.
That’s just not how it is for me any more.

I love myself.


I love the fact that I swear and I fucking own that.

I love the fact that my messaging is unique and I fucking own that.

I love the fact that my passion is fierce and I fucking own that.

I love the fact that I stand fully in my power and I fucking own that.

I love the fact that I walk and talk in my truth and I fucking own that.

I love the fact that I am loyal to those I love and I fucking own that.

I love the fact that I’ll go to the ends of earth to love hard on my tribe and I fucking own that.

I love the fact that my tribe and my clients love me, accept me and enjoy working with me as the person I am and I fucking own that.

I love the fact that by being 100% me that I separate, divide and polarise the online market.


And to me…

That is all that matters.


I’d taken the advice of those who said they know better it broke me.

I’d accepted the judgement of people who didn’t know me from Adam and it crushed me.

I’d listened to the criticism of those who claimed I wasn’t worthy and it damaged me.

I’d responded in kind to the feedback of the those who felt they were better than me and it hurt me.


When someone goes out of their way to tell me that:

“Laura, I wanted to give you some feedback…”

I simply don’t give a fuck what they have to say and I understand and know their ‘feedback’ is about them trying to assert the power that they have in no other area of their life over me because I am clearly living and breathing and owning my power and they cannot.

When someone goes out of their way to tell me that:

“Your emails have swearing in them and it’s inappropriate and amateur…”

I simply don’t give a fuck and respond that I already know that because I fucking wrote those emails. Every single one of them.

And that they are in fact the inappropriate and amateur person because they feel that with their lack of experience and expertise and their complete and utter lack of knowledge around who I am, what I’ve learned and been through, that they feel they are the right person to school me on how to share my message with my people.

When someone goes out of their way to tell me that:

“Real business people don’t need to swear to attract clients…”

I simply don’t give a fuck and I ask if they have every heard of and/or listened to the likes Gary Vanyerchuk, Sir Richard Branson, Donald Trump, Quentin Tarrantino, Dan Pena.

Because, seriously people, get your head out of your ass and step out of the dark ages and stop denying the truth of what is.

When someone goes out of their way to tell me that:

“You call yourself an entrepreneur and a marketer but you don’t even know how it’s done… “

I simply don’t give a fuck because these people clearly have no idea of the results that I get, not just for myself, but the results that I help my tribe and my clients to get because of my many years doing personal development, mindset work, and studying all there is to know about online marketing and sales.

When someone goes out of their way to tell me that:

“I wonder who would actually buy your stuff when you talk like that…”

I simply don’t give a fuck because these people never have and likely will never be my ideal soul-level clients and I know that my ideal soul-level clients are smart and that they see through the bullshit facade that these people are hiding behind.

And I know that my ideal soul-level clients are excited and happy to pay me thousands and tens of thousands to learn what I know so that they too can love themselves unconditionally and be unapologetic in their actions, their messaging, their marketing and their sales.

And I know that my ideal soul-level clients want to know, just as much as I used to want to know, what it takes to be so bold, so determined, so bolshy, so confident… And how they can do it too.



Unlike some.

I don’t feel sorry for them.

Because you see, the thing is…

We are all…. ALL of us… exactly where we are at in our lives right now based on the choices we have advertently or inadvertently made over the years.

I am where I am at because of the choices I have made.
And so are they.

And where I have gone out of my way to learn, grow and expand… to become more aware, awakened and more conscious.

They have chosen to stay the course.
They have chosen to fit the mould.
They have chosen to be less than.

But they have also chosen to be:

Jealous that I can be 100% myself and still make big-assed bank.

Because the thing is…

While they’re busily judging, criticising, shaming, giving unsolicited feedback and unwanted advice…

I am owning every fucking thing about who I am and how I came to be the ME that I am today…

They are not.

And while they’re busy hiding away and lying about the person they really are…

About their truth…
About how they really, truly, feel, think and speak…

So they can exist through their life as people pleasers…

So they can spend their days being sheep, followers…

So they can continue to resist stepping into their true personal power…

So they can go on protecting their authentic selves from confrontation and reality…

I am growing stronger, bolder, more aware and more conscious every single day.


While they are trying to tear me down with their limited thinking and beliefs…

I am helping people to rise like the badass motherfuckers that they are so they can step up, claim and walk and talk their truth while living their lives fully in their power.

When they tell me that they cannot accept me as I am, unapologetically, unfiltered, raw and real…

When they have finally build up the guts to attempt to educate me in the ways of the world of business, marketing and social acceptance…


They’re scared to break the mould.

They’re scared to be true to themselves.

They’re scared to step up and claim their power.

They’re scared to be the person that some people don’t like.

They’re scared of being rejected by people who reject themselves.

They’re scared to pull their tongues out of the asshole of society.

And they’re scared…

Because they actually don’t like themselves as they are.
Because they actually don’t know how to trust themselves.
Because they actually don’t know how to stand on their own two feet.


How fucking dare I be so bold as to not be inhibited and trapped by the stupid and limiting thinking and social constructs that they allow to control them.


They are simply not my people.

And, because I know that haters are gonna hate.

That’s all a part of the game.
It’s a part of the equation.
It’s all they know.

And I know that…

It’s what happens when you rise above the ordinary.
When you embrace the ISness of who you are.
When you refuse to bend, conform or break.



It’s that part…

It’s those parts within themselves that in my boldness and my power that I reflect back to them…

That I make so fucking obvious to them that they cannot dare to look within…

For fear that they will be as they say I am.


A bottom-feeder
(Yes, I had a lady recently call me that!)

So they must blame.
They must project.

Because that is so much easier to do than it is to own who you are…

Because that is so much easier to do than it is to stand in your truth…

Because that is so much easier to do than it is to stand strong in the face of your enemy…

Because that is so much easier to do than it is to come forth and claim the life you were born to live…

Because that is so much easier to do than it is to do the internal and external work that is necessary so you can rise above all the bullshit…

Because that is so much easier to do than it is to piss a couple of irrelevant people off by standing firm in what you believe in, are passionate about and stand for.

Because that is so much easier to do than it is to live a life where you accept yourself fully…

Because that is so much easier to do than it is to pursue your life purpose and to empower others to do the same.


And I will do it day in and day out… In a fucking heart beat.


Will you?

Now, for just a few last words.

If you don’t like my message.
If you don’t like the fact that I swear.
If you don’t like the way I market.
If you don’t like my passion.
If you don’t like my purpose.
If you don’t like my fierceness.
If you don’t like my power.
If you don’t like my commitment.
If you don’t like any-fucking-thing about me.

Un-fucking-subscribe from my email list…

Better still.
Don’t fucking subscribe in the first place.

Un-fucking-friend me on social media…

Better still.
Don’t fucking follow or connect with me in the first place.

After all, I would never, ever encourage any of my tribe members and clients to surround themselves with people they don’t know, like and trust.

And you should never put yourself in a position where you are receiving communications from someone who you don’t vibe with.

Love, Truth & Badassery,
Remember… You Have One Life. Hit The Fuckin’ Button!

Lauz xx
Mindset & Online Empire Creation Mentor

P.S. Would you like know how you too can be so bold and confident as to not give a fuck what the haters do and say?

Are you ready to stop the bending, conforming and breaking in order to please people that will never be pleased?

Do you want to know the mindset hacks that I used to enable myself to step into and claim my power and to live my life on purpose, regardless of the naysayers?

I’ve opened up 3 spots to speak with people just like you next week so I can show you how to do just that.

Private message me now to secure your spot.