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Honestly. It truly doesn’t matter what you say. The only thing that matters is what you do.

Let’s be frank here sweet one.

Words are just that.

They are things that people use to ‘talk it up’.
They are things that people use to create self-importance.
They are things that people use to fein significance.
They are things that people use to feed their ego mind.


They words on their own are empty.
They hold no substance unless they are backed up by action.

And the thing is…

I have no patience for people who use words without intention.

I have no patience for people who speak for the sake of speaking.

I have no patience for people who say stuff they simply don’t mean.


Hearing stuff be said that you know full well is just crap. That you know is total bullshit.

It’s pretty fucking boring really.

And I value my time.
As much as I value my headspace.

So when people run off at the mouth…

Saying stuff that is empty.
Saying stuff that they have no intention of backing up.
Saying stuff that they think you or I want to hear.
Saying stuff that they’ve been told to say.
Saying stuff that they’ve been conditioned to say.
Saying stuff that they’ve put no real thought into.

I switch off.
I lose interest.

Not immediately.
I listen to them for a while.

Hoping that what I’m hearing isn’t true.
Praying that what I’m seeing isn’t real.

But invariably there comes a time when I just say ‘FUCK IT’ and at that point I decide that I’m done.

I decide that I’ve had enough of having my ears filled with voices that are being exercised for the hell of it.

I’m a really tolerant person.
Sometimes too much so.


I also have little to no tolerance for bullshit.

And gorgeous one.

I can detect it a mile away.

But what get’s in the way, sometimes, of me calling you out for the stupid, senseless, shit that you say is:

That I genuinely want to believe you.
That I genuinely want to trust in you.

The truth is that I carry with me every day a belief that people are inherently good. That everyone knows they were born with a purpose. That sooner or later everyone will step-the-fuck-up and fully own their power. That they will claim the badassery that is within.

I have a genuine give-a-fuckery that people live their lives full out.
I really, really do want that to be the truth.

My truth.
And yours.

Look gorgeous one.
Sweet love.

You’re a game-changing fucking badass.
Well. At least. Within you is the potential to be that.

Right now.

You’re so caught up saying words for the fucking sake of it AND you take no fucking action to give those words any real depth. Real strength. Real power.

You’re talking shit.

But what you don’t see.
What you fail to realise.

Is that it’s not that you’re not being honest with me that is my concern. That’s not what I have issue with.

It’s the simple fact that…


You say you want this.
You say you want that.

You say you are this.
You say you are that.

You say you don’t like this.
You say you don’t like that.

The thing is though…

It’s all a fucking lie.
It’s all a fucking facade.
It’s all a fucking fantasy.

The truth is that what you say you want, you take no steps, no action steps to actually fucking get it. To fucking claim it. To actually bring it into your reality.

What you say you are is a load of crap, that stuff you talk about being and doing on Facebook is the person you want to be BUT that you refuse to allow yourself to become.

Those things you don’t like about people are in fact a direct reflection of the shit that is within you that you are currently denying is your own truth.


You are on a merry-go-round of bullshit.
And no matter how sick it makes you feel on the inside.
Or on the outside.

You fucking refuse to get off because THAT^ is the only truth you know.

Because the uncertainty of being different.
Of saying different.
Of doing different.

Scares the fuck out of you.

It scares you so much more than the certainty, the knowledge that you are the one who has caused yourself to be stuck where you’re at right now.

This situation.
This lack.
This self-sabotage.
This worthlessness.
This angst.
This discomfort.
This pain.
This inner-turmoil.

You are allowing yourself to stay in a place that you fucking hate.
You are allowing yourself to live a life that you fucking hate.
You are allowing yourself to be in comfortable discomfort.


That shit is so far beyond broken gorgeous one that it verges on ridiculous.

Sweet love.

I’ve just gotta ask you…


Why the fuck are you doing this to yourself?
Why the fuck are you making yourself suffer?
Why the fuck are you putting yourself through this pain?
Why the fuck are you still torturing yourself?
Why the fuck are you tell yourself you must be less-than?
Why the fuck are you refusing to love yourself?
Why the fuck are you sabotaging your success… your life?


I must ask…

Why the fuck do you continue to beat yourself up, to bruise your heart, your mind, your spirit, your desires, your passion, your purpose, your very being…

Like this?

There are so fucking many people out there who would be, who will, who are more than happy to say and do sooooo much and sooooo many shitful things to each other….

To you.


Why do you choose to do it to yourself?
Why do you choose to be one of them?


C’mon my love.
Beautiful one.

You know.
And I know.

That you have so much to give.
That you have so much to offer.
That you have so much potential.
That you have so much passion.
That you have so much purpose.
That you have so much desire.

Why is it that you are choosing to stay NOT be that person?

You are so much better than the THIS YOU and THIS WHICH IS your present reality gorgeous one.

In truth.

It pains me to see you.
It hurts me to hear you.
It kills me to know you.

Not giving yourself permission to be all that you were fucking born to be.


Please know.

That my patience is all but worn thin.
That I cannot continue to be a witness to this.
That I will not stand idly by while you waste your life away.

Please understand.

That when I say I have had e-fucking-nuff.
That when I tell you I cannot hear it any longer.
That when I ask you to listen to the bullshit you speak.

Please believe.

That when all of that happens.
I’m walking away because I cannot bare for one more moment to know, to feel, to see you hurting yourself so fucking much.


That I must turn away.
That I must walk away.
That I must leave you.


For your own sake.
And for mine.

Because my love.

I cannot help you.
When you refuse to help yourself.

Love, Truth & Badassery,
Remember… You Have One Life. Hit The Fuckin’ Button!

Lauz xx
Mindset & Online Empire Creation Mentor

Laura Francis_Blog Image


Gorgeous one.

Are you ready to step the fuck up and claim what is yours by divine right?

Are you ready to dig your heels in and create a life that is infinite possibility and purpose?

Are you ready to know your deepest desires and to start living the reality that aligns with those?




I created this just for you!


🔑 30 Days of Guided Inner Work: In the form of actual journal prompts and activities, affirmations, strategies and processes that I use personally and in my business with my high-level, high-ticket 1:1 clients to get clear on what it is that you want, to lock in your desires and lock in your vibration every. single. day.

🔑 4 Training Modules: These are recorded live with you. We’ll cover unfiltered and unapologetically all things mindset, infinite possibility and manifestation, including tapping into the core of your being and unleashing that truth via your message online.

🔑 Facebook Group: Your prompts are to be delivered to you each day either by me or my team. Once the mini-course is over, we’ll get the prompts and modules setup in a membership platform on my website, so you can have lifetime access.

🔑 Bonus 1: Unlimited Audio Messaging: Which means that you can send me an audio message via Facebook Messenger 24/7, reaching out telling me where you’re at or seeking guidance and support and I will personally respond to you. That means you won’t get a response from one of my team members, I will respond to you directly.

🔑 Bonus 2: Implementation Week: Which means that you can send me an audio message via Facebook Messenger 24/7, reaching out telling me where you’re at or seeking guidance and support and I will personally respond to you. That means you won’t get a response from one of my team members, I will respond to you directly.

The work you do on your own combined with the work we do together is super fucking powerful.

It truly IS life-transformational.


VIP option includes one private session with me!

Payment plans are also available.

If this resonates with you, click the link below and claim your spot right now!