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I thought you had it all wrong. That you had absolutely no idea what you are doing.

I thought that by being you…

By acting like you were…
Sounding like you were…
Dressing you were…

That you had no fucking idea what you are doing.
That there was absolutely NO WAY you’d ever make money.
That you’d never ever be a successful business person.


You weren’t professional enough.


You were breaking the rules.
Hell, you were making your own rules.

You didn’t care what other people thought of you.
How they felt about you.
What they said about you.

You were too busy being real and raw to ever be successful.

You were so busy being natural and unapologetic and true to yourself.

How dare you?

I honestly believed that there is no way anyone could OR would ever possibly pay to work with you while you were being YOU.

But. Here’s the thing…

While you were busy being true to yourself…

I was over here… judging… criticising… tearing you apart with my social conscience… and unquestionable moral beliefs.

I was also busy… pretending…

Pretending to be someone I wasn’t.
Looking how I was taught and imagined a professional entrepreneur should look.

Sounding how a professional entrepreneur should sound.

Behaving how I was taught, how I was expected to behave.

In a way that society says a PROFESSIONAL ENTREPRENEUR should behave.


Sure it took me a long time to work out that wasn’t right.

That you weren’t wrong… That you absolutely knew what you were doing when I and, quite likely, tens of thousands of others doubted you.

That society was full of shit with all of their lies, their stories of how things should be.

With their pretence.
With their falseness.
With their facades.

I believed that to be SUCCESSFUL.
To be a REAL entrepreneur.
That I had to pretend to be someone I wasn’t.

Because there was absolutely no way anyone would want to work with me. With the real me. And, that they sure as hell wouldn’t pay me the high ticket prices I really wanted to be paid for what I know and how I can help them.



It’s okay because finally I worked it all out.

I finally I came to understand that society’s expectations are bullshit.

And that society’s stories and beliefs are unrealistic.

That no single human can live a life filled with happiness, love, acceptance, kindness, success and excitement by constantly trying to conform. By always trying to be someone they’re not.

That’s now how humans are made.
They’re fallible.
They make mistakes.
They have errors of judgement.

They also learn from those experiences and then they RISE above it all…

To become more than what society said they could be.

And, that by being true to ourselves we are in turn being true to humanity.



That’s what resonates with people.

That truth is what people buy.

Because. EVERYONE… no matter who they are… Everyone wants to experience the freedom of walking, talking and living in their truth.


And, that by YOU being you… You give others permission to do the same.

Love, Truth & Badassery,
Remember… You Have One Life. Hit The Fuckin’ Button!

Lauz xx
Mindset & Online Empire Creation Mentor

P.S. Have you joined #365Badass Inner Sanctum yet?

It’s for you if right now:

One day you’re up and business is fun. The next day you’re down and it’s not.

Engagement good and your tribe is loving on you. Then it’s down and they forget you even exist.

Your leads and sales come easily. Then there’s a loooong dry spell.

And, in truth. You’re fucking over it!!

You’re ready to be your fully UNFILTERED and AUTHENTIC self in every area of your business and life.

You’re ready to know EXACTLY how to find, speak to, attract and build your TRIBE on social media.

You’re ready to know WHAT to do and when to do it so you can grow your EMAIL LIST with ease.

You’re ready to massively increase your VISIBILITY and become a CONTENT CREATING MACHINE.

You’re ready to know SPECIFICALLY how to create TARGETED OFFERS that SELL off the shelf.

You’re ready to know the SPECIFIC STEPS you need to take to show up everyday, and make an IMPACT.

You’re ready to know PRECISELY what you need to do so that you can MAKE MORE MONEY in your biz.


You’re ready to POSITION yourself as the GO-TO EXPERT in your industry.

It’s time to stop saying you want THIS^ stuff.
It’s time you CLAIMED what is rightfully yours.

Click here to join: >>>

And, get your first 30 days for just $47.

I’ll see you on the inside!!