Nothing Found

You’re in creative flow from the moment you open your eyes until you fall asleep again.

You’re a content machine but with personality 😁
You’re showing up like never before.
You’re messaging like you dreamed of.
You’re all over social media like some kind of plague.
You’re doing things you’ve never done.
You’re achieving things you never thought possible.

And the leads… The sales…


They just keep rolling on in.

It’s like you can do no wrong.
It’s like everything you touch turns to gold.


Everything is working out for you.
Everything is going in your favour.

And then.

Just like that.

As quickly as it all happened.

It stops.


This isn’t something new for you.
This is pattern repeat.

You’ve been here before.

Oh so many times.


The difference between those times and this time…


That you know exactly what triggers it.
That you know exactly what is going on.
Inside of your head.

You know that this STUFF is happening… Or not happening as is the case for you right now because…


And that you’re aware of it is great.
And that you can recognise it for what it is, well that’s great too.
And that you know that it’s a pattern repeat thing, even greater.


What’s not great.

Is that you have no frickin’ idea how to work through it.
Is that you have no frickin’ idea of what really triggers it.
Is that you have no frickin’ idea of how to control the frequency of it.
Is that you have no frickin’ idea how to stop it happening again.

And that you know.

Without a shadow of a doubt that this thing.
This upper limit problem.

It IS the number one reason why you’ve not yet achieved those goals you said you would have achieved by now.

It IS the number one reason why you’re still afraid to fully trust yourself to go after those things you (secretly) truly desire.

It IS the number one reason why you’re always flip flopping between success and failure.

It IS the number one reason why your leads and sales come with ease and then, just as easily, they’re gone again.

It IS the number one reason why you’ve not yet travelled to those places you dream of, that you’ve been dreaming of since you were a child.

It IS the number one reason why you’re not yet in a position to start your own charity, who you can’t yet be the philanthropist you want to be.

It IS the number one reason why you’re still stuck with a shitty mindset around being enough.

It IS the number one reason behind your limiting beliefs and judgemental thinking.

It IS the number one reason why this pattern just keeps repeating itself — month in, month out.

It IS the number one reason why you’re not consistently, month in and month out, smashing the glass ceiling on your sales and income goals.

And the only way to discover what created this frickin’ torturous UPPER LIMIT problem…

The way to unlock the mystery and to set yourself free…

Is to go within.

To go deep within.
To go deeper within than you’ve ever gone before.

You need to go back in time.
To a time you can barely remember.

Pull back the curtain on hidden memories.

So raw.
So unbidden.
So unfiltered.

You need to tap into truths that you’d long since forgotten.

That you’d long ago chosen to not revisit. Ever again.

You need to go back to your darkness.
You need to go out of the light.

Not for ever.
And not for that long.

The light will be there waiting for you when you’re done.

But if you don’t go.

The darkness will be eternal.

You must go there just long enough to discover the root of all evil.

The root cause of your upper limit problem.

Of who you were.
Of what you were doing.
Of who you were around.
Of the experience/s you had.
Of the stories you heard.
Of the stories you were told.
Of the lies and deceit.
Of the limited thinking.
Of the resistance.
Of the fear.
Of the self-doubt.
Of the social constructs.

You need to discover the truth behind and beneath the person you have become today.

So that you can deal with it.
So that you can work through it.
So that you can repair the damage.
So that you can move past it.
So that you can become stronger.

So that you can see, hear, feel and be aware of EXACTLY what it is that causes you to get oh so close to success…

To being the person you truly desire to be.

And then to falter.
To come crashing back down.


Once you do.

Once you go there.
I mean once you REALLY go there.

There is no going back.

Because the truth of it will be so obvious to you.

So painfully clear.

And it will EXPLAIN… e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.

Then you can sit back.
Be the watcher on the wall.

Accept the ISness of what is.
Own any part you have played in creating that upper limit.
In allowing it to be so repetitious.

And then.

You can burn it to the fucking ground.

Because when you do.
With that done.

You’ll have no choice.
No choice at all.


To always operate.
To always function.
To always come.

From a place of full, unadulterated, unfiltered, conscious awareness.

And when that happens.


Then, my darling.

You will be absofuckinglutely unfuckwithable!!

Love, Truth & Badassery,
Remember… You Have One Life. Hit The Fuckin’ Button!

Lauz xx
Mindset & Online Empire Creation Mentor

P.S. Gorgeous. Are you ready? I mean REALLY ready to step into your true power and become the highest version of yourself…

To become the you that you know is there…
The you who has always been there…
That you’ve been too afraid to let shine…
To be super successful…
To be fully empowered…
To be truly you?

If this resonates with you.

If tapping into the root of evil that is your UPPER LIMIT problem and burning that to the ground is REALLY what you’re seeking RIGHT NOW…

Then gorgeous…

Send me a message NOW and let’s talk about how I can guide and support you so that you can do just that.

Talk soon xx ❤️