Nothing Found

 For so many years I fought against it. For so long I resisted it. For what seemed like ever I pretended that it wasn’t a thing… That it wasn’t for me.
I didn’t want to follow the ever growing trend.
I didn’t want to be a sheep.
I didn’t want to do what everyone else was doing.
There were so many other online mentors out there doing it that I didn’t believe there was room for me. I didn’t want to be seen as ‘jumping on the band-wagon’.
So I avoided it.
I told myself that it wasn’t for me.
I told myself that it was bullshit.
I told myself that there was nothing in it.
I was convinced that it was only for the woo-woo.
I believed that only those with no other skills did it.
I went so far as denying that there was even a market for it.
Saying that those selling that stuff were complete fakes… Frauds…
Telling myself that there’s no way that real entrepreneurs, serious entrepreneurs would pay to learn that.
That it was another way for people to avoid doing the work they needed to do to become successful.
But when I hired my first coach, who was a marketing and sales coach, she persuaded me otherwise.
I’m not saying that it didn’t take some doing because it absolutely did.
She didn’t approach it from the same angle as others.
She put a different spin on it.
She talked about it in a way that I’d not heard it done before.
There was no woo-woo language.
There was no angel and fairy stuff.
The way she went about things was completely logical.
There was no fluff and crazy talk.
She opened me up to a new way of thinking, doing and looking at things.
She expanded my mind.
She increased my awareness.
In ways that I had never thought possible.

Mindset work IS a real thing.

Mindset work IS necessary for those who truly want to experience massive and long lasting change and transformation in their business and their lives.

You see.
I had spent what seemed like ever living in denial.
I thought that for me to experience lasting business success, was to learn, perfect and implement the latest whiz-bang digital marketing strategy.
I thought that creating the business and life of my dreams was all about doing the external, the practical work.
I thought that to have massive impact on the world and to be making massive amounts of money online I needed to become someone I wasn’t.
But the thing is….
I needed to go INTERNALLY.
I needed to accept what IS.
I needed to tap into and explore the hidden depths of my mind. Of my unconscious (ego) mind.
I needed to allow myself to deep dive into unchartered waters (*brain matter) where all of my suppressed anxiety, fear, limited thinking and beliefs, resistance and self-sabotage lived.
Truly it is.
In fact, I’ll go as far as saying that it is EVERYTHING!
Having the right mindset changes everything.
The right mindset determines whether or not you will succeed.
It dictates your mental, emotional and physical happiness.

I know that many of you have been wondering and asking exactly what it is that I do to expand my mindset, so I wanted to share with you my daily practices, not just to give you some inspiration but to give you some direction.

So, here we go:

BRAIN DUMP – Every single morning I open up my journal and dump whatever it is that comes to mind onto the pages. I have no structure around it. Sometimes it doesn’t even make sense. But it’s not about that.

The daily brain dump is about releasing all of the ever-present thoughts – getting them out of your head and on to paper. Decluttering your mind. So that you have a clear mind and are much more focused going into your day.
GRATITUDE – This is a BIG ONE. Now, I know you can be grateful, silently, speaking the things you are grateful for in your mind, BUT what works best for me is writing them down.
I list out all of the things that I am grateful for that day. Sometimes it’s just one thing but generally I’ll fill multiple pages.
I write my gratitude for all the little things, like “I’m so grateful for this pen that I’m writing with.”
I write gratitude for the silly things and those things we take for granted, like: “I’m so happy and grateful for toilet paper.”
I write gratitude foe the big things too, like: “I’m so happy and grateful that I get to work with my amazingly committed soul-level clients, doing what I love every single day.”
Some people have a separate journal for their gratitude, but I don’t. I use just one journal at a time until all pages are full.
MEDITATION – Sometimes this is for 5 minutes, other times it’s 30 minutes or an hour. I meditate in the morning and at night. I listen to guided meditation tracks that I have purchased or found online.
Other times it’s pure silence. When I’m Stand-Up-Paddling I will close my eyes and let the Big U guide my strokes and direction while meditating… Listening only to the sounds of nature and focusing on my breathing.
People tend to over-complicate meditation. Saying you need to sit a certain way. That you need to be in a particular environment. That your mind must be blank, that you shouldn’t allow thoughts to come and go.
But I don’t believe that to be true.
True meditation is about focusing on your breathe. Allowing thoughts to come and go but always bringing yourself back to centre by focusing on your breath.
READING – Every single day (morning or night) I’ll take at least 10 minutes to sit quietly and immerse myself in books about Spirituality (Universal consciousness) and Mindset. This could be on a specific topic like manifestation or it could a book on unlearning learned behaviours, beliefs, thinking, etc.
Now, I’d love to say that I do all of this stuff every single day, but that’s not true. But they are things I do most days. And I know that when I’m not doing them I am not in flow, not in sync with myself or with the vibrational energy of the Universe. And when that happens, things slow down or even stop happening.
When I am relentless. When I am 100% committed to doing these mindset practices consistently AH-MAZING things happen in my life. Business and personal.
I encourage you, if you haven’t already surrendered to the truth, to the ISness that mindset, start now.
Start today.
Start with something as simple as reading a chapter of a book on the topic.
Or letting your thoughts flow through your fingertips and on to the pages of your journal.
And believe me.
You will notice the difference, the changes, once you do.
Love, Truth & Badassery,
Remember… You Have One Life. Hit The Fuckin’ Button!
Lauz xx
Mindet & Online Empire Creation Mentor

P.S.  I’m opening the doors again to The Unchained Leaders Lounge:

I’m so fucking excited about this program (… seriously. I’m almost peeing my pants)! I know that THIS is what I was born for… My LIFE’s PURPOSE is…
Empowering impassioned, game-changing, rebellious, badass online entrepreneurs, conscious leaders, coaches, messengers, creatives and visionaries to live and love a life that is their highest purpose.
FUCK CONFORMITY and being who society says you should be.
FUCK HIDING who you really are so others don’t feel inadequate.
FUCK FEIGNING happiness when you’re miserable on the inside.
Your days of settling and accepting that THIS (what you’re living right now!) is all there frickin’ is to life… Are OVER!
Within you there is the FREEDOM and POWER to CHOOSE your happiness, your dreams, your desires, your passions, your goals and your purpose… OVER ANY-FUCKING-THING AND ANY-FUCKING-ONE in the entire world.
Want to know more?